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2024 Fully Funded African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowships.

The African Investigative Journalism Conference invites practicing investigative journalists under the age of 30 to apply for a fellowship to attend #AIJC2024, to be held at Wits University in  Johannesburg from October 30 to November 1, 2024.

The fellowship provides selected journalists with the opportunity to attend the annual African Investigative Journalism Conference, which is held at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. This conference is a key event for investigative journalists on the continent, offering a platform for sharing knowledge, exploring new tools and techniques, and discussing the challenges and opportunities of investigative journalism in Africa. Through this fellowship, participants gain access to a wealth of resources, including workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with leading journalists, editors, and media professionals from around the world.

The fellowship provides selected journalists with the opportunity to attend the annual African Investigative Journalism Conference, which is held at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. This conference is a key event for investigative journalists on the continent, offering a platform for sharing knowledge, exploring new tools and techniques, and discussing the challenges and opportunities of investigative journalism in Africa. Through this fellowship, participants gain access to a wealth of resources, including workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with leading journalists, editors, and media professionals from around the world.

One of the core benefits of the African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship is the intensive training and professional development it offers. Fellows are exposed to cutting-edge investigative techniques, including data journalism, digital security, and multimedia storytelling. They also learn about the latest trends in investigative reporting, such as cross-border collaboration and the use of advanced technology in uncovering complex stories. This training equips fellows with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue impactful investigations in their home countries, often under challenging conditions.

In addition to skill-building, the fellowship fosters a sense of community among investigative journalists across Africa. By bringing together journalists from different countries and backgrounds, the fellowship encourages collaboration and the sharing of best practices. Fellows have the opportunity to connect with peers who face similar challenges, from censorship and legal threats to limited resources and access to information. These connections often lead to ongoing collaborations that enhance the scope and impact of investigative journalism on the continent.

The fellowship also provides a platform for fellows to showcase their work and gain recognition for their efforts. The conference often features sessions where fellows can present their investigations, share their experiences, and receive feedback from seasoned journalists and media experts. This exposure can be invaluable for career development, opening doors to new opportunities, including partnerships, funding, and publication in international outlets.

Overall, the African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship is a vital initiative that empowers journalists to pursue in-depth, high-impact investigations that contribute to greater accountability and transparency in Africa. By providing training, resources, and a supportive network, the fellowship strengthens the capacity of investigative journalists to tell the stories that matter, often in the face of significant risks. This program not only enhances the quality of journalism on the continent but also plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of a free and independent press, which is essential for the health of any democracy.

One of the core benefits of the African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship is the intensive training and professional development it offers. Fellows are exposed to cutting-edge investigative techniques, including data journalism, digital security, and multimedia storytelling. They also learn about the latest trends in investigative reporting, such as cross-border collaboration and the use of advanced technology in uncovering complex stories. This training equips fellows with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue impactful investigations in their home countries, often under challenging conditions.

In addition to skill-building, the fellowship fosters a sense of community among investigative journalists across Africa. By bringing together journalists from different countries and backgrounds, the fellowship encourages collaboration and the sharing of best practices. Fellows have the opportunity to connect with peers who face similar challenges, from censorship and legal threats to limited resources and access to information. These connections often lead to ongoing collaborations that enhance the scope and impact of investigative journalism on the continent.

The fellowship also provides a platform for fellows to showcase their work and gain recognition for their efforts. The conference often features sessions where fellows can present their investigations, share their experiences, and receive feedback from seasoned journalists and media experts. This exposure can be invaluable for career development, opening doors to new opportunities, including partnerships, funding, and publication in international outlets.

The African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship is a vital initiative that empowers journalists to pursue in-depth, high-impact investigations that contribute to greater accountability and transparency in Africa. By providing training, resources, and a supportive network, the fellowship strengthens the capacity of investigative journalists to tell the stories that matter, often in the face of significant risks. This program not only enhances the quality of journalism on the continent but also plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of a free and independent press, which is essential for the health of any democracy.

Requirements For The African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship

  • In applying for this fellowship, applicants must commit to producing at least one piece of investigative journalism (online, print, or broadcast) inspired from material gathered at the 2024 conference, to be published no later than three months after its conclusion. Applicants must also provide proof of identity to verify their age. 


  • The fellowship will cover major travel costs, including flights, visas, shuttles, accommodation and meals.

Application Deadline: September 10, 2024.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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