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Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Programme for Researchers 2024.

The  Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program offers opportunities for independent research or study related to Smithsonian collections, facilities, and/or research interests of the Institution and its staff. Fellowships are offered to graduate students, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral and senior researchers to conduct independent research and to utilize the resources of the Institution with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff serving as advisors and hosts. These fellowships are offered through the Smithsonian’s Office of Academic Appointments and Internships, and are administered under the charter of the Institution, 20 U.S. Code section 41 et seq.

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program (SIFP) is a prestigious initiative designed to support independent research and study in fields related to the Smithsonian’s vast collections, facilities, and expertise. Established by the Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex, the program offers fellowships across a wide range of disciplines, including the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

The primary aim of the SIFP is to provide scholars, researchers, and students with the opportunity to engage in advanced research under the guidance of Smithsonian staff. Fellows have access to the Institution’s extensive resources, including its museums, research centers, libraries, archives, and specialized collections. This access allows them to conduct in-depth studies, contribute to ongoing projects, and explore new areas of inquiry.

The program offers several types of fellowships, catering to different levels of researchers, including predoctoral, postdoctoral, and senior fellowships. Predoctoral fellowships are typically awarded to doctoral candidates who are working on their dissertations, while postdoctoral fellowships are intended for scholars who have recently completed their PhDs. Senior fellowships are available to established scholars with significant accomplishments in their fields. Each type of fellowship provides a stipend, travel allowances, and, in some cases, additional support for research-related expenses.

Fellows are selected through a highly competitive application process, which includes submitting a detailed research proposal, curriculum vitae, and letters of recommendation. The selection committee evaluates applicants based on the originality and significance of their proposed research, their qualifications, and the relevance of their work to the Smithsonian’s mission and collections. The fellowships are awarded for periods ranging from three months to one year, depending on the scope and nature of the research project.

One of the key benefits of the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program is the interdisciplinary and collaborative environment it fosters. Fellows have the opportunity to interact with Smithsonian researchers and curators, as well as other visiting scholars from around the world. This interaction facilitates the exchange of ideas, enhances the fellows’ research, and often leads to new partnerships and collaborations.

In addition to conducting research, fellows are encouraged to participate in the intellectual life of the Smithsonian community. This may include giving lectures, attending seminars and workshops, and contributing to publications. The program also provides professional development opportunities, helping fellows to advance their careers in academia, museums, and related fields.

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program is a distinguished and enriching opportunity for scholars and researchers. It not only supports their individual research endeavors but also contributes to the broader academic and public understanding of diverse fields. Through the fellowship, the Smithsonian continues to uphold its commitment to advancing knowledge and preserving cultural and scientific heritage.


Fellowship Category Stipend Research Allowance
Senior & Postdoctoral* $57,000 per year up to $5,000
*Earth and Planetary  Sciences Senior and Postdoctoral – $62,000 per year up to $5,000
Predoctoral $45,000 per year up to $5,000
Ten-Week Graduate Student $10,000 N/A

Requirements For The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

Determination of the fellowship category for which to apply should be based on the anticipated academic level at the time the fellowship would begin:

  • Senior Fellowships – Applicants must have held a Ph.D. or equivalent for at least 7 years. Applicants who have received the Ph.D. or equivalent before June 1, 2018 are eligible to apply for senior fellowships.*
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships – for scholars up to seven years beyond the Ph.D.* 
  • Predoctoral Fellowships – for doctoral candidates to conduct dissertation research. Students enrolled in a university as candidates for the Ph.D. or equivalent are eligible for predoctoral fellowships. By the time the appointment begins, the university must approve the undertaking of dissertation research at the  Smithsonian Institution and certify that requirements for the doctorate, other than the dissertation, have been met.
  • Ten-Week Graduate Student Fellowships – for graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. When they apply, students must be formally enrolled in a graduate program of study at a degree-granting institution and must have completed at least one full-time semester or its equivalent. 

* If you have taken a “leave of absence” from research and wish to apply under the postdoctoral fellowship application instead of senior fellowship application which makes you 7 or more years out from receiving your Ph.D., please provide a justification in the additional information section at the end of the application.

Selection Process


  • Senior Fellowships – Term: 3 to 12 months
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships – Term: 3 to 12 months**
  • Predoctoral Fellowships – Term: 3 to 12 months
  • Ten-Week Graduate Student Fellowships – Term: 10 weeks
  • Fellowship tenures must begin between June 1, 2025 and May 30, 2026.
  • ** Postdoctoral applicants in  Science may apply for up to 24 months.

Method of Application

Visit The Official Website to Apply

Application Deadline: October 15, 2024.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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