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British Academy Visiting Fellowships For Researchers 2025.

The British Academy’s Visiting Fellowships programme provides outstanding academics based in any country overseas with the opportunity to be based at a UK higher education or other research institution. The programme is open to academics at any career stage, and in any discipline within the humanities and social sciences.

The primary aim of the British Academy Visiting Fellowships is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and foster international academic collaboration. Scholars who are awarded these fellowships are typically established researchers with a track record of significant contributions to their field. The fellowship allows them to spend a period of time at a UK institution, where they can engage with local scholars, access research facilities, and participate in academic events and discussions.

The fellowship covers various aspects of the research visit, including travel expenses, accommodation, and a stipend to support living costs during the stay. This financial support helps to ensure that fellows can focus fully on their research without the distraction of financial concerns. The duration of the fellowship can vary, but it generally ranges from a few months to a year, depending on the nature and scope of the research project.

Visiting fellows are expected to engage actively with the host institution and contribute to its academic environment. This often involves giving lectures or seminars, participating in workshops, and collaborating with other researchers. The fellowship also offers opportunities for fellows to develop and refine their research projects, publish their findings, and enhance their professional networks.

The application process for the British Academy Visiting Fellowships is competitive and involves submitting a detailed research proposal, demonstrating how the project will benefit from the UK-based resources and academic environment. Applicants are assessed based on the quality and significance of their proposed research, their previous research achievements, and the potential for collaboration with UK-based researchers.

Visiting Fellowships illustrate the British Academy’s profound and on-going commitment to international engagement. The aim of this programme is to ensure that the UK remains an attractive, welcoming, and productive research environment for academics globally. Through this programme, the Academy aims to:

  • Enhance and build new links between scholars from around the globe and in the UK;
  • Foster opportunities and encourage the development of new and future partnerships for collaborative research into the humanities and social sciences
  • To enable academics from across the globe to undertake research and/or professional development with UK colleagues;
  • And strengthen the UK’s research bases in the humanities and the social sciences.


Visiting Fellowships are available for a period of between 3 to 6 months. Applicants will be asked to provide their preferred start date for their Fellowship over the spring and summer (March-August 2025).

The maximum funding available is £40,000.

Requirements For The British Academy Visiting Fellowships

  • Visiting Fellows must be of postdoctoral level or above, or have equivalent research experience at the time of application. Candidates should be based outside of the UK at the time of application. Applicants may be on permanent or fixed-term contracts. Fixed-term contracts must not end before the end date of the Visiting Fellowship. Independent scholars are also welcome to apply.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they have been in contact with their UK host institution prior to applying. Please note that the British Academy is not able to assist with locating of facilitating contact with a UK host institution.
  • The British Academy welcomes applications from a diverse range of UK host institutions, and would particularly encourage applications from historically and/or structurally disadvantaged groups, low-income countries, and female researchers.

Applications must be submitted online using the British Academy’s Grant Management System (GMS), Flexi-Grant®.

For more details about the Visiting Fellowship programme, including eligibility requirements, please see the Scheme Notes.

Application Deadline: October 23, 2024.

For More Information

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