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2024 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (£500,000 prize)

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize) is a distinguished international accolade inaugurated in 2012 to honor transformative innovations in engineering that profoundly impact society. Its core mission is to elevate the status of engineering as a profession, inspire future generations of engineers, and underscore engineering’s pivotal role in addressing global challenges. This award stands as a beacon of recognition for exceptional engineers and their groundbreaking contributions, irrespective of nationality or field of specialization within engineering.

Central to the QEPrize’s ethos is the nomination process, where candidates are put forward by their peers or members of the public. A panel of esteemed judges, drawn from diverse spheres including engineering, academia, industry, and governance, rigorously evaluates nominees based on the innovation’s impact, novelty, and significance. This robust selection process ensures that the prize is bestowed upon engineers whose work not only advances the technical frontiers of their field but also translates into tangible societal benefits.

The QEPrize recognizes engineering achievements across a broad spectrum, encompassing civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineering, among others. Each laureate’s innovation, whether in healthcare, transportation, communication, environmental sustainability, or infrastructure, exemplifies the transformative power of engineering to enhance quality of life and foster sustainable development. By showcasing the profound societal impact of engineering innovations, the prize elevates public awareness of the discipline’s critical role in shaping the world.

Biennially, the QEPrize culminates in a prestigious award ceremony attended by luminaries from various domains, including members of the British royal family, distinguished engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders. This event serves as a platform to celebrate the laureates’ achievements, spotlighting their remarkable contributions and inspiring future generations to pursue careers in engineering. The laureates themselves represent a pantheon of engineering pioneers, whose seminal inventions—ranging from the internet and GPS to digital imaging sensors and advanced materials—have revolutionized technology and reshaped society.

Beyond its recognition of engineering excellence, the QEPrize is committed to public engagement and educational outreach. Through initiatives such as educational programs, public lectures, and online resources, the prize endeavors to cultivate a deeper understanding of engineering’s societal relevance and inspire young minds to embark on engineering careers. By fostering greater appreciation and understanding of engineering’s role in addressing global challenges, the QEPrize aspires to galvanize collective efforts towards building a more sustainable, technologically advanced, and equitable world.

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering is a global prize that celebrates the successes of modern engineering. With QEPrize winners selected from across the world, such an international prize requires a truly international trophy.

Every year, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering trophy is found through the ‘Create the Trophy’ competition. The competition gives young people aged 14-24 the opportunity to get involved, testing their design skills using the latest in 3D-design technology. The winner receives a high-end  laptop, a model of their trophy, and the opportunity to see their 3D printed winning design presented to the winners of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering in  London, UK. In addition, the winning trophy will also go on display in the Engineers gallery at  the Science Museum, which showcases engineering innovations through the lens of the QEPrize.


The £500,000 prize is the world’s most prestigious engineering accolade, awarded to up to ten engineers responsible for a bold, groundbreaking engineering innovation of global benefit to humanity.

Requirements For The 2024 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

Entry to the prize is open to any living individual (or up to 10 individuals) of any nationality who are personally responsible for a groundbreaking innovation in engineering which has been of benefit to humanity.

Selection Process


The judges will use these criteria to select the winner, or winners, of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering:

  • What is it that this person has done (or up to ten people have done) that is a ground-breaking innovation in engineering?
  • In what way has this innovation been of global benefit to humanity?
  • Is there anyone else who might claim to have had a pivotal role in this development?


  • The closing date to submit your nomination(s) is 8 June 2024
  • The deadline for referees to submit supporting statements is 9 August 2024
  • The winner(s) of the QEPrize will be announced on 4 February 2025 and further details will be released closer to the time

All information that you provide will be treated with the utmost confidence.

Method of Application

Visit The Official Website to Apply

Please read the Prize Rules & Conditions before starting your nomination.

  • Nominations will be managed online.
  • Nominees will receive an email informing them of the nomination.
  • Referees will be invited to support the nomination, entering their references on the website.
  • Completed, eligible nominations will go forward to the judges.

Nominations Checklist

  • Does the innovation have global impact?
  • Can you identify up to 10 engineers responsible?
  • Do you have enough information to write a case for nomination?
  • Are you able to identify at least 2 people who are familiar enough with the innovation to act as referees?

Application Deadline: June 8, 2024.

 For More Information,

Visit the Official Webpsite

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