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2024 Google PhD Fellowship Programme for Graduate Students ($30,000 Monetary award)

The Google PhD Fellowship Program is a highly prestigious and competitive fellowship initiative designed to support outstanding graduate students pursuing doctoral studies in computer science, related disciplines, and interdisciplinary research areas. Established by Google in 2009, the program aims to recognize and support exceptional talent in academia, foster innovation and collaboration, and advance research in critical areas of computer science and technology.

The Google PhD Fellowship Program provides financial support, professional development opportunities, and access to Google resources to selected doctoral students who have demonstrated exceptional research potential, creativity, and leadership in their field. Fellows receive a stipend to cover living expenses, tuition and fees support, travel grants to attend conferences and workshops, and opportunities for mentorship and collaboration with Google researchers and engineers.

One of the distinctive features of the Google PhD Fellowship Program is its focus on building a community of scholars and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Fellows become part of a global network of exceptional researchers and have the opportunity to engage with peers and experts from diverse backgrounds and research areas. This collaborative environment encourages knowledge sharing, cross-disciplinary exploration, and the exchange of innovative ideas, contributing to the advancement of research and technology.

The program supports research across a broad range of topics within computer science and related fields, including but not limited to machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computer vision, human-computer interaction, data mining, algorithms, and information retrieval. Google recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary research and welcomes applications from students whose work intersects with other domains, such as social sciences, humanities, and healthcare.

Moreover, the Google PhD Fellowship Program is highly selective, with candidates undergoing a rigorous evaluation process based on their academic record, research accomplishments, potential for impact, and letters of recommendation. Successful applicants are chosen based on their demonstrated excellence in research, creativity, leadership potential, and alignment with Google’s research priorities and values.

The Google PhD Fellowship Program is a prestigious and coveted opportunity for graduate students pursuing doctoral studies in computer science and related fields. By providing financial support, mentorship, and access to Google’s resources and expertise, the program empowers emerging scholars to pursue groundbreaking research, make significant contributions to their fields, and become leaders in academia, industry, and beyond.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourage people of diverse backgrounds to apply. The Google PhD Fellowships is currently offer fellowships in Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, India, Latin America, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the United States.

Research areas of focus

Google PhD Fellowship students are a select group recognized by Google researchers and their institutions as some of the most promising young academics in the world. The Fellowships are awarded to students who represent the future of research in the following fields:

Requirements For The Google PhD Fellowship Program

  • Africa, Australia/New ZealandCanada, East Asia, Europe and the United States: universities must be an accredited research institution that awards research degrees to PhD students in computer science (or an adjacent field).

All regions

  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.
  • Past awardees from the PhD Fellowship program are not eligible to apply again.
  • For incoming PhD students (Africa, India, Latin America and Southeast Asia),
    • Grant of the Fellowship does not mean admission to a PhD program. The awardee must separately apply and be accepted to a PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) at an eligible institution.
    • Grant of the Fellowship will be subject to the rules and guidelines applicable in the institution where the awardee registers for the PhD program.


  • Students receive named Fellowships which include a monetary award. The funds are given directly to the university to be distributed to cover the student’s expenses and stipend as appropriate. In addition, the student will be matched with a Google Research Mentor. 


  • Up to 3 year Fellowship
  • US $12K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Google Research Mentor

Application Procedure

All application materials should be submitted in English.

For each student nomination, the university will be asked to submit the following material in a single, flat (not portfolio) PDF file:

  1. Student CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  2. Short (1-page) resume/CV of the student’s primary PhD program advisor
  3. Available transcripts (mark sheets) starting from first year/semester of Bachelor’s degree to date
  4. Research proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  5. 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee”s work (at least one from the thesis advisor for current PhD students)
  6. Student essay response (350-word limit) to: What impact would receiving this Fellowship have on your education? Describe any circumstances affecting your need for a Fellowship and what educational goals this Fellowship will enable you to accomplish.

Application Deadline: May 8, 2024.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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