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2024/2025 Funded Colombia Foreign Postgraduate Scholarship for Study in Columbia.

The Colombia Foreign Postgraduate Scholarship program is aimed at foreigners who wish to pursue their postgraduate studies in Colombia, as well as for foreigners from non-Spanish-speaking countries who need to strengthen the Spanish language to carry out postgraduate studies in Colombia. 

ICETEX, as an Institution of the Colombian State that promotes Higher Education through granting educational credits and international cooperation scholarships to the population with lower economic possibilities and with good academic performance, oversees granting economic aid to foreign citizens within the framework of the Strategy of Reciprocity for foreigners and its program, Beca Colombia. Reciprocity scholarships offer two types of applications:

  • For foreigners who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in specialization, master’s, and doctorate degrees in public and private Colombian higher education institutions in accordance with the “2024-2 ACADEMIC OFFER CATALOG”, which is published along with the open call.
  • For foreigners from non-Spanish speaking countries who wish to carry out postgraduate studies in specialization, master’s, and doctorate degrees in public and private Colombian higher education institutions and who need to strengthen the Spanish language to carry out postgraduate studies in Colombia in accordance with the “2024-2 ACADEMIC OFFER CATALOG 2024-2”, which is published along with the call.
  • *Note: The beneficiary must present two letters of acceptance; A letter of acceptance to the Spanish course and a letter of acceptance to a specialization, master’s or doctoral program offered in the “ACADEMIC OFFER CATALOG 2024-2”. Once the Spanish course has been successfully completed, the beneficiary must begin the postgraduate program to which he or she was admitted in 2025-1.

Eligibility Requirements For The Colombia Foreign Postgraduate Scholarship

  • be a foreign citizen
  • Not have Colombian nationality.
  • Not be residing, nor have resided the last 6 months prior to applying for the scholarship in Colombian territory or have started studies in Colombia at the time of application to the corresponding call.
  • In case of being selected, scholars can be asked by ICETEX to provide the Certificate of Migratory Movements, with a date no greater than 30 days at the time of entering Colombian territory.
  • Must not have any marital or de facto relationship in Colombia.
  • Not having been a beneficiary of ICETEX through the Beca Colombia program. g) Not be older than 50 years.
  • Have a cumulative general average of 4.0 out of 5.0 in undergraduate to apply the call. According to the grading scale of each country, the note must be equivalent to a minimum of 4.0 for the Colombian scale. *It is not valid to present postgraduate average.
  • Have a professional, undergraduate, or graduate degree in any area of knowledge.
  • Have admission to at least between one and three postgraduate programs found in the Academic Offer Catalog 2024-2 annexed to this announcement. In case of applying to Spanish courses, the admission of the Institution offering the Spanish course will be suspended. k
  • Have good physical and mental health, certified by a doctor.


  • The reciprocity scholarships are aimed at foreign citizens of any nationality who do not have dual nationality (Colombian), who are not residing in Colombia, who have not been beneficiaries of the same program in previous calls and who have a professional or bachelor’s degree.


The scholarships for postgraduate studies in Colombia will have a maximum duration according to the modality as follows:

  • Considering that the scholarships are awarded annually, due to the annual budget validity of ICETEX, scholarship holders who attend academic programs longer than 12 months must request renewal from ICETEX each year, for the continuity of the corresponding study program.
  • The renewal will be subject to compliance with the requirements established by ICETEX, including:
    a) Renewal request letter.
    b) Certificate of grades with accumulated average of the program. (at least 4.0/5.0).
    c) Experience report signed by the tutor or director of the academic program.
    d) Certificate from the University stating the current enrollment and the duration of the current academic program



  • The coverage of the entire tuition will be granted by the Colombian higher education institution (only for the academic programs that are within the catalog of academic offer, published in the 2024-2 call).
  • b) Health Policy/Medical Insurance:
    Medical and hospital assistance in Colombia that includes repatriation in case of disability or death. This assistance is only covered during the study period in Colombia and only to the scholarship recipient, it is not extended to family members. Scholars must bear the cost of prescription drugs and a moderate fee for medical examinations.
  • c) Courtesy visa:
    ICETEX will send each fellow a letter for the online application of the courtesy visa type “V” visa, which will be granted by the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the study period. This visa is only for the fellow. If you require a visa for family members, they must apply for a visa on their behalf.

    d) Living Expenses/monthly support:
    ICETEX will support each foreign scholarship holder with a monthly support (living expenses) amounting to three current legal monthly minimum wages. In 2025, the adjustment will be made according to the increase in the minimum wage decreed by the Colombian Ministry of Labor. This item will be granted only to those who are in Colombian territory carrying out in person studies.

  • e) Installation expenses:
    ICETEX will support each scholarship holder with an amount for installation expenses in Colombia, for the only time in the study period. This item will be granted only to those who are in Colombian territory carrying out in person studies.

    f) Expenses of books and materials:
    For each year of study, ICETEX will support each scholarship holder with a value for books and materials, specialization scholarship holders will receive a single support, master’s scholarship holders will receive up to two supports and doctorate scholarship holders between three and four according to the time of their study. doctorate.

g) Foreign Identification “Cedula de Extranjeria:

This is a financial support equivalent to 250,000 COP, which will be paid only once during the entire study program to cover costs related to the issuance of the Foreign Identification id “Cedula d eExtranjeria”. This item will be granted in the first stipend received by the scholarship recipient once the foreign identification and bank certificate have been issued and sent to ICETEX.


  • Closing of the 2024-02 : June 9th 2024
  • Evaluation and selection of candidates : From June 10th to June 19th 2024
  • Email notification to candidates about selection and non-selection: June 20th 2024
  • Scholarship acceptance process by those selected: From June 21st to the 23rd
  • Start of studies in Colombia : According to the Academic Programa


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Canon Female Photojournalist Grant. The grant is awarded annually to a female photojournalist who demonstrates exceptional talent, creativity, and commitment to documenting important social, cultural, and political issues through visual storytelling. The selected recipient receives financial support to fund a new or ongoing photojournalism project, as well as access to Canon's cutting-edge photographic equipment and technical support. One of the key objectives of the Canon Female Photojournalist Grant is to raise awareness of the unique perspectives and voices of female photographers in the field of photojournalism. By supporting female photographers and their projects, the grant seeks to amplify diverse voices and narratives, challenge stereotypes and biases, and contribute to a more inclusive and representative media landscape. The grant also serves as a platform for mentorship and networking, providing recipients with opportunities to connect with industry professionals, peers, and mentors who can offer guidance, support, and career development opportunities. Through workshops, exhibitions, and public events, grant recipients have the chance to showcase their work, engage with audiences, and build connections within the global photojournalism community. Furthermore, the Canon Female Photojournalist Grant highlights the importance of ethical and responsible journalism and the role of photojournalists in bearing witness to social injustice, human rights abuses, and other critical issues facing communities around the world. By supporting projects that shed light on important stories and amplify marginalized voices, the grant contributes to the advancement of press freedom and the promotion of social justice and human rights. Overall, the Canon Female Photojournalist Grant is a significant initiative that underscores Canon's commitment to empowering female photographers and advancing the field of photojournalism. Through financial support, access to resources, and opportunities for mentorship and networking, the grant provides female photojournalists with the tools and support they need to pursue their passion, tell important stories, and make a meaningful impact through their work.

2024 Canon Female Photojournalist Grant.